Using a Dry Dock: A Guide

If you own a ship and you are planning to put it into dry dock for the first time, you may be trying to find out more about this subject. Read on to find out more about the process of placing a vessel into a dry dock.

Entering the dock

At a prearranged time, you will be asked to pilot your boat into the dry dock. Depending on the size of the vessel, you may require the help of tugs. Before you enter into the dock, the repair workers will have positioned blocks at the bottom. These blocks will stop your boat from toppling over once the water is removed from the dry dock.

Draining the dock

Once the vessel is positioned in the dry dock, the water will be slowly drained. As the water is removed, the vessel will sink down and settle into the blocks. In deeper docks, divers may be used to ensure that the boat is lined up with the blocks as it sinks.

Inspection of the anchor chains

Once the dock is dry, the maintenance team will inspect the anchor chains for signs of damage. If any damage or corrosion is found, the team will take steps to carry out ship repair work.

Repairing sea valves and sea chests

Next, the repair team will examine the sea valves and sea chests. These allow for the intake of seas water which is used to cool the engine and other systems on your vessel.

Hull and control surface repairs

The repair team will then examine the hull of the boat. If any damage is found, the team will use fabricated steel to complete hull repairs. Any areas of the hull which show signs of corrosion will be tested to confirm the strength of the metal. Testing will then be conducted on the propeller, rudder and other control surfaces.

Re-flooding the dry dock

Once repairs are completed, the team will fill the dock with water again. This will allow your boat to float again so it can be sailed out of the dry dock and back onto the waterway. Once your ship has been carried out, you will need to complete trials to test the ship to ensure it is seaworthy.

If you are interested in finding out more, you should get in touch with a company which specialises in ship repair work today. A member of the team will be happy to help.
