The ABCs of Air Compressor Positioning

Once you've brought home a compressor from a compressor hire company, you'll need somewhere to put it. While you could technically place your compressor anywhere it'll fit, positioning it in the wrong location could be detrimental to its performance and drain your finances. If you're not sure where in your facility your compressor should go, take a look at this handy ABC guide.

A is for Accessibility

One of the most important factors to keep in mind when positioning your air compressor is accessibility. You (or a maintenance professional) should be able to get to it easily to service it or clean it. Positioning your compressor at ground level is best for accessibility, but if you need to put it on a mezzanine floor, be sure you have stairs in place as well as a support structure for save servicing. Ideally, you should find a space that will give you a radius of several empty feet around the air compressor once it's placed. At minimum, you need to be able to open or pull out all of the compressor's doors and components so the mechanisms can be repaired or replaced if needed.

B is for Battery

Air compressors need power to run, so make sure your air compressor is positioned within a short distance of your battery source. While you can extend the wiring for your compressor to reach a power source anywhere in your facility, this will also increase your costs. This is because a further distance requires a larger and more expensive power cable size. Figure out your available power sources in advance before choosing a location for your compressor to keep costs low.

C is for Circulation

Circulation is another crucial factor you need to pay attention to. Since air compressors generate a lot of heat, they need adequate air circulation. Good circulation will require adequate space around the unit as well as ventilation ducts near the compressor to draw away the warm air they produce. The right ventilation and air circulation will also help keep the room temperature down. This will stop lubricants from breaking down and reduce the risk of your compressor overheating and shutting down. If you can only install one ventilation system, make sure it draws air outside to keep the facility cool. However, if you can add a second system, you can use it duct the exhaust air indoors during the winter months to keep your heating bill low.
