Plastic Parts Design: Three Cost-Control Tips for Injection Moulding

There are numerous cost-cutting methods to consider if you are planning on carrying out an injection moulding project. The most obvious but effective process is ordering more manufactured parts at once. The price-per-unit will reduce significantly because this option promotes fabricator efficiency, and the same mould can be used for the project. However, you should also think about reducing your costs by making cheaper design and manufacturing choices. If you can simplify your plastic parts design, you will save on materials and labour. Here are practical tips to help you keep the fabrication costs low.

Check for Unnecessary Elements

You should eliminate the non-essential features in your plastic part design. There are numerous elements that designers and engineers include in the creation of components that increase the total expenses unnecessarily. For example, company logos and moulded numbers on parts will increase the cost of manufacture, and they serve no real purpose. In most cases, the part can remain without marking, or sticker labels can be used. Therefore, unless these elements are essential for your products, you should not include them in your design. If the permanent numbers or other text must be present, you should choose simple and shallow sans serif fonts. 

Choose As-Machined Finishes

Beautiful parts are nice because they will complement the equipment after installation for an appealing look. However, the cost of visually pleasing components can be high. The increased expenses can be attributed to the additional processes that must be performed. For example, the plastic parts might require bead blasting for a refined look or a high polish for a glossy, elevated level finish. If you are interested in cutting your costs, you should reject these finishes because of the added tooling and labour expenses. Typically, any secondary process that advances on the as-machined finish will demand extra charges. Therefore, you should stick with the basic finish where possible. 

Opt for Self-Mating Components 

If you are planning on building parts which mate to create an enclosed shape, you should think about designing self-mating components. In simple terms, if you are manufacturing interlocking pieces in half configurations, you should not build two unique mating parts. Instead, you should create a design with two identical halves which can interlock in either direction. If you have these universal or self-mating parts, you will only need a single mould for the project instead of two, cutting your production costs significantly. Moreover, your order will become simple because the project will have one design. 
